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Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Breast, Lung and Prostate Cancer Treatment(prostate cancer treatment)

prostate cancer treatment

month was breast cancer awareness month. This month the suggested age for mammograms was upped from 40 to 50. So, breast cancer is on everyone's minds. According the American Cancer Society nearly 15% of all women will get breast cancer.

Lung cancer, however, is still twice as prevalent as breast cancer, effecting about 28% of the population, while prostate and colon cancer will each affect nearly 9% of the population. With all the money that has been thrown into researching cancer treatments, why are we no closer to a cure?

Let's start by asking the right question. The question shouldn't be how to treat lung cancer or breast cancer. The question should be how to prevent illness.

It has been suggested that there is really only one illness - malfunctioning cells. From lung cancer and breast cancer to H1N1 and the common cold, it's all about the body's ability or inability to heal.

Obviously, the more damage the body suffers (smoking, pollution, fast food, etc.), the more difficult it will be for the body to repair itself. Just keep in mind that only the body cures. No treatment in the world actually treats illness. Medicines and procedures only treat symptoms. The only system that actually cures an illness is your body's immune system.

So, the spotlight should not be on treatments or surgical procedures. The focus should be on building the strongest immune system possible and that is very basic. You've heard it all of your life. Diet and exercise are keys to a healthy immune system.

A proper diet will provide your body with the nutrients it needs to fuel your cells, which will allow them to function properly. Exercise will boost your immune system and flush toxins that interfere with proper cellular functions.

One thing you have not heard all of your life is that you need to get more sun. In fact, you've probably heard just the opposite. For years the message has been to stay out of the mid-day sun and wear sunscreen. Well, that advice may be one of the reasons cancer is so prevalent and not just skin cancer but all cancers.

One of the most important vitamins your body needs to stay healthy is vitamin D. Your body only produces vitamin D when you get out into the sun and it should be the mid-day sun. The earlier or later in the day, the greater the percentage of damaging UVA rays to beneficial vitamin D producing UVB rays.

To make matter worse, sunscreen that is absorbed into the skin, in addition to blocking UVB rays, has been shown to produce free radicals - the very thing that it is supposed to prevent.

How important is vitamin D? Recent studies show that vitamin D lowers the risk of all cancers and all illnesses in general across the board. Intravenous vitamin D therapy has even been shown to assist the body in recovering from the worst medical conditions, including the latter stages of cancer and the lung damage associated with the H1N1 virus, after all other treatments failed.

The lack of sunshine (vitamin D production) is also why common cold and flu viruses attack in the winter. The average body only needs about 10 minutes of sun three times a week to maintain healthy levels of vitamin D, depending on skin color and existing serum vitamin D levels. Unfortunately, most people don't get enough sun and are vitamin D deficient.

So, don't be overly concerned about contracting breast cancer, the H1N1 virus or any specific illness. There is basically only one. Instead, be very concerned with building a healthy immune system. You have only one and it's the only system that can cure an illness.

Focus on the basics and you will live a longer, healthier and happier life. It's never too early or too late to start on a proper diet, exercise and sun exposure regimen.

prostate cancer treatment


Prostate Cancer Treatment Side Effect(prostate cancer treatment)

prostate cancer treatment

Slowing or even preventing the spread of cancer cells is the best effect that the treatment for prostate cancer can ever give. But there are other side effects that this disease could offer. These effects are either due to the disease or to the treatment. Understanding and knowing the side effect of this disease can ease the worries and fears and can help you on how to deal with these effects.

One of the side effects of advance treatment for prostate cancer is impotence. Impotence is an erectile dysfunction in which the person undergoes prostate surgery doesn't have the ability to maintain the erection for sexual satisfaction. During the orchiectomy surgery, the testicles of the client are being removed. As a result, most of these clients suffer from erectile dysfunction. Another cause of impotence due to treatment is the intake medicine for hormonal therapy that lessens the testosterone level. Most dysfunction will not last for a life time. The erection will regain with or without assistance. Some client looks for medical aide to regain the erection.

Another side effect of treatment is incontinence. It is the incapability to control the flow of the urine. This side effect is due to radiation therapy and surgery. Clients who suffer from incontinence could eventually recuperate their urinary control. Kegel's exercise and biofeedback training are some ways to regain this problem.

Bowel dysfunction is another side effect of radiotherapy treatment. The problem includes diarrhea, rectal bleeding and fecal incontinence. Rectum damage due to prostatectomy is very rare. The problem is caused by the enlargement of the space in the abdomen due to the prostate loss. The body's system is adjusting to this changes resulting to bowel dysfunction.

Infertility is another cause of prostate treatment. There are some medical therapies or treatment aid to restore fertility.

prostate cancer treatment


Advice On The Latest Prostate Cancer Treatments(prostate cancer treatment)

prostate cancer treatment

Prostate cancer is the most common occurring cancer in men worldwide, and thus is an incredibly serious issue. Prostate cancer is a cancer that occurs in the prostate gland, which is part of the male reproductive system. The prostate gland is the size of a large walnut, and it is located just below the bladder and next to the urethra.

Prostate cancer starts in the glandular tissue of the prostate gland, and although the exact cause of this cancer is unknown, what is known is that the cancer most often occurs in men over the age of fifty, with married men for some reason being at much higher risk than single men.

Prostate Cancer Treatments

Although as of yet there is no cure for prostate cancer, there are various prostate cancer treatments that are available to help you. One of the most common prostate cancer treatments is surgery, and surgical removal of the prostate, also known as radical prostatectomy, is available to many men who are suffering from localized prostate cancer.

This surgery involves the removal of the prostate and as well the surrounding tissues, a specified portion of the urethra, and the seminal vesicles. During the surgery when the prostate is being removed, the surgeon will attempt to save the nerves that are surrounding the prostate, those which are responsible for erections. This however is not guaranteed.

External beam radiation is another of the more common prostate cancer treatments, and it is one that is more readily available, and in which beams of high-energy radiation are directed from outside the body towards a target inside of the body. Hormone therapy is yet another of the most popular prostate cancer treatments, and is actually one of the oldest means of treating prostate cancer as well.

Hormone therapy is also known as androgen deprivation therapy, and the point or goal of it is to reduce levels of the male hormones, or androgens, in the body, as these can actually be responsible for helping the disease to spread. Therefore, lowering the levels of these androgens will often make the prostate cancer shrink or at least grow more slowly.

Hormone therapy is typically used in the following situations: if your prostate cancer remains or comes back after treatment with surgery or radiation therapy, as an addition to radiation therapy as initial treatment if you are at high risk for cancer recurrence, before surgery or radiation to try and shrink the cancer to make other treatments more effective, and if you are not able to have surgery or radiation treatments.

The particular type of treatment that you should use for your prostate cancer will be decided by your doctor, and you should never attempt getting involved with any method of treatment without referral from your physician first.

prostate cancer treatment


The Best Prostate Cancer Treatment Is Early Treatment

Prostate cancer is a serious affliction that affects upwards of 200,000 men each year. Risk factors for prostate cancer can include age, race and health history. If diagnosed with prostate cancer your treatment options will be determined by these factors. Just like with any other form of cancer, the best prostate cancer treatment is available at the early stages.

Once diagnosed with prostate cancer, two main options will be presented. Choices are either surgery or radiation. Neither treatment has conclusively been found to be better. Chances are when faced with prostate cancer treatment options; your doctor will simply present the option they are most comfortable with as the best prostate cancer treatment. A consultation with a hospital oncologist should strongly be considered. An oncologist's expertise mainly centers on drug therapies like chemotherapy in treating cancer. Since prostate cancer (localized) cannot be treated with a drug therapy, you are sure to get an unbiased opinion as to your treatment options. One positive aspect of prostate cancer compared to other cancers, is the fact that it is remarkably slow. You may have several years before prostate cancer begins to spread, while naturally you are not going to take years to decide on a treatment plan, it is nice to know you have some time to make the right choice.

A hospital that centers on cancer treatment is going to provide the most treatment options and will have specialists in each field to render the best care. Don't settle for just one opinion. With a condition like prostate cancer, many doctors suggest waiting to see what the cancer will do. While "waiting" may sound like a bad idea when it comes to cancer, prostate cancer will usually afford you enough time to make a well thought out decision. Don't rush, but take time to do research as to what will be the best prostate cancer treatment for you.
